Robert Haritonov's Blog

Next.js Conf 2024 Highlights and React Framework Future
In our best tradition, FocusReactive tuned in to follow what’s latest for our React framework of choice. Following v15 release earlier the week, Next.js and Vercel team have welcomed it’s guests remotely and at in-person locations, streaming from San Francisco, as well as from London’s watching party we attended.

CDN Caching for self-hosted Next.js websites - CloudFlare, Fastly and others
Learn how to configure own, Vercel-like CDN setup, maximazing Next.js performance in a self-host environment on Cloudflare, Fastly or any other CDN.

Self-hosted Next.js - When Vercel is Not an Option
Kicking off a series of articles covering various aspects of self-hosting your Next.js project.

Recap of Next.js Conf 2023 and v14 release
Our team have closely followed the Next.js Conf 2023 live stream and we've picked few of our favourite talks to recap. We'll dive deep into the Next.js 14 release, exploring the newest trends and techniques that are poised to shape the future of web development.