Migration from WordPress To Storyblok

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Upgrade to Agile CMS with Our Expertise

Transitioning from WordPress to Storyblok? Our agency excels in seamless migrations, backed by years of expertise in the digital transformation of websites. We understand the nuances of both platforms and are adept at preserving the integrity of your content while enhancing its delivery and scalability.

With our experienced team, your move to Storyblok will be smooth and efficient, minimizing disruption and maximizing results. Benefit from our deep understanding of content strategy and technical know-how to give your site the competitive edge it deserves.

Embrace the change with confidence. Contact us to empower your digital presence every step of the way.

Storyblok vs WordPress

Storyblok offers superior flexibility and scalability compared to WordPress by separating content management from front-end delivery.

This headless approach allows for content distribution across various platforms and devices. Additionally, its real-time visual editor simplifies content updates and management, having a user-friendly interface for non-technical users without requiring developer intervention.

Websites load faster, enhancing user experience and potentially improving SEO

Allows for custom layouts and content structures beyond the limitations of WordPress themes

Supports content and traffic growth more efficiently

Enables content distribution across multiple platforms and devices through its headless architecture.

Offers improved security features, reducing vulnerability to attacks and breaches.

Features a visual editor that simplifies the content editing process, allowing for easier updates and collaboration.

Future-proof solutions at affordable budget

Budget Project complexity
Affordable (20k - 150k EUR) Premium
Focus Reactive
  • Budget: 20-150k
  • Premium scalability with pre-built plugins
  • Efficient, expert tech stack integration
expensive (200k EUR - )
  • Complex integrations
  • Scale
  • Enterprise security
Cheap (under 5k EUR) Generic
  • Simple interface
  • Quick setup
Low budget (5k - 20k EUR) Website
  • Standart solutions
  • No unique features



On the EasyPark project, we consolidated 20+ domains into a single platform, introduced a comprehensive CMS handling 6,998 stories, 1,131 assets, and 125 blocks with 24 users.

We also optimized the site for global use, supporting 35 languages across 14 countries, and achieved top 1-5 search rankings in all active regions.

Casino Reviews

We crafted an SEO-optimized, high-performing platform with dynamic content management, scalable infrastructure, and seamless localization, setting a new benchmark in the digital realm of the Casino industry


Storyblok is a headless CMS that lets you manage and create content for websites and apps. It separates the content management from how the content looks, so you can use it on different platforms easily. Storyblok also has a visual editor that makes it simple to see changes in real-time as you work.

Yes, you can maintain your site's design and layout. The migration process involves recreating your existing design within Storyblok, allowing for improvements and optimizations where necessary.

Your existing content will be migrated to Storyblok. We ensure that all your data, including text, images, and other media, is transferred securely and organized efficiently in the new system.

The duration of the migration process depends on the complexity and volume of your existing website content. A detailed assessment will provide a more accurate timeline, but migrations typically range from a few weeks to a couple of months.

  • Community Plan: Free
  • Entry Plan: €99/month
  • Enterprise: €3299/month
  • Enterprise Plus: Custom pricing

Find more about Storyblok pricing here

Migrate to Storyblok seamlessly

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