Expert agency

Expert agency

Official Vercel integration partner

We build future proof, performant and SEO optimized Next.js websites

FocusReactive has been a NextJS development agency and consultancy in Norway for the last 5 years. Our clients praise the enhanced performance and SEO results they achieve.

With expertise in both static and dynamic websites, we're proficient not only in Next.js core functionalities but also in its latest features. Having worked with diverse hosting solutions like AWS, Netlify and integrating various Headless CMSs, we also are an official Vercel Integration partner.

Following recent NextJS accelerated innovation, we now offer specialized Nextjs audits and modernization services to harness the latest updates with a focus on peak performance. If you're seeking top-tier user experience and the best of NextJS, we're here to help.

Technologies we use


React framework that enables server-side rendering, routing, and other advanced features for building fast and scalable web applications


A cloud platform where we usually deploy and host Next.JS applications, making it easy to build, deploy, and scale your projects with speed and efficiency.


A JavaScript library for building user interfaces that allows developers to create interactive and dynamic web applications efficiently.


Flexible and powerful CMS that empowers teams to create, manage, and deliver content seamlessly, making it a top choice for modern content-driven applications


A headless CMS designed for developers to manage structured content, offering APIs and a visual editor for delivering content to websites and applications in a flexible and programmatic manner.


A CMS that provides a flexible and developer-friendly way to manage and deliver content across various digital channels


We crafted an SEO-optimized, high-performing platform with dynamic content management, scalable infrastructure, and seamless localization, setting a new benchmark in the digital realm of the Casino industry



On the EasyPark project, we consolidated 20+ domains into a single platform, introduced a comprehensive CMS handling 6,998 stories, 1,131 assets, and 125 blocks with 24 users.

We also optimized the site for global use, supporting 35 languages across 14 countries, and achieved top 1-5 search rankings in all active regions.



We have developed a fully functional storefront for their US market website, integrating with Stripe and their fulfillment services, centralizing product catalog and order statuses within the Crystallize platform.

The eCommerce store is highly optimized using the latest Next.js features and is hosted on Vercel.


Project Types


Next.js is an advanced React framework that enables efficient SSR, static site generation, and seamless page transitions. This results in faster, SEO-friendly, and highly interactive websites, making it ideal for modern web development.

NextJS is ideal for projects where you need fast, SEO-friendly web applications. It's a good choice when you plan to build websites that benefit from server-side rendering, like eCommerce sites or blogs, which require fast load times and improved SEO. Next.js also fits well in applications that need static site generation for pages that don't change often. Additionally, if your project requires building APIs alongside your user interfaces, Next.js can handle both efficiently with its API routes feature.

Next.js enhances SEO by allowing server-side rendering, which ensures that search engines can fully index the content of web pages before they are served to users, unlike client-side rendered apps that may have issues with content visibility.

Yes, Next.js supports static site generation. You can pre-render pages at build time, which speeds up page load times and improves the performance of web applications, making it suitable for both dynamic and fully static sites.

Ignite Your Web Development with Next.JS

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