Migration from WordPress To Sanity

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Evolving Your Website from WordPress to Sanity

Transitioning from WordPress to Sanity brings your website into the modern era of content management.

With Sanity, you gain a highly customizable platform that elevates your site’s performance and offers unmatched flexibility in how and where you deliver your content.

Our expertise will help you with a smooth migration process, enabling you to manage content more efficiently, secure your digital assets, and integrate with modern development frameworks.

Sanity vs WordPress

Sanity is a headless CMS that focuses on giving developers the flexibility to manage and deliver content across multiple platforms. It's customizable and supports real-time collaboration. WordPress, meanwhile, is a traditional CMS that is user-friendly with a vast range of plugins and themes, making it ideal for those who want an easy setup without needing a lot of technical skills.

Sanity's efficient content delivery improves website speed and responsiveness, directly impacting user engagement and SEO rankings.

Unlike WordPress's fixed data structures, Sanity allows you to define custom content models that fit your unique needs, making content management more intuitive and flexible.

As your project grows, Sanity scales with you, handling increased traffic and content needs without compromising on performance.

By adopting Sanity, you position your web infrastructure on cutting-edge technology that’s adaptable to future digital trends and user expectations.

With Sanity, you can easily serve content across websites, apps, and other digital platforms from a single source, ensuring consistent messaging and branding.

Future-proof solutions at affordable budget

Budget Project complexity
Affordable (20k - 150k EUR) Premium
Focus Reactive
  • Budget: 20-150k
  • Premium scalability with pre-built plugins
  • Efficient, expert tech stack integration
expensive (200k EUR - )
  • Complex integrations
  • Scale
  • Enterprise security
Cheap (under 5k EUR) Generic
  • Simple interface
  • Quick setup
Low budget (5k - 20k EUR) Website
  • Standart solutions
  • No unique features


Tipico Marketing

With the help of Sanity and Next.js, we crafted a dynamic website with 50+ modular content blocks, hosted on Vercel for optimal performance.

We ensured tailored user experiences with custom localization, catering to an international audience.


We have built from scratch more than 30 pages based on a collection of 50+ content blocks, each could be used to construct new pages without dev involvement thanks to a special Headless CMS setup


Sanity CMS is a headless CMS designed for structured content, equipped with real-time editing capabilities.

It allows developers to build what they need using JavaScript and to deliver content across multiple platforms with APIs. Sanity is known for its customizable user interface and a modern back-end infrastructure that supports real-time collaboration and strong flexibility in content management.

Key reasons include enhanced site performance, greater flexibility in content modeling, real-time collaboration features, better scalability, and improved security due to the decoupled architecture.

Yes, you can migrate most content types from WordPress to Sanity, including posts, pages, and media. The process involves exporting data from WordPress and importing it into Sanity, sometimes requiring transformation to match Sanity’s content structure.

Since Sanity is a headless CMS, you have the opportunity to either retain your existing design by rebuilding it with new technology or take the chance to refresh your website's design entirely.

  • Free
  • Growth: $15/month per user
  • Enterprise: Custom pricing

To read more about Sanity pricing, follow the link

Migrate to Sanity with the Sanity expert agency

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