Migration from WordPress To Headless CMS

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Migration from WordPress to Headless CMS

Companies often migrate from WordPress to Headless CMS to address scalability limits, security concerns, and flexibility issues. While WordPress is user-friendly, it struggles with performance for large or complex sites and limits modern front-end technology integration. Headless CMS migration enhances site performance, security, and offers more dynamic content management.

FocusReactive stands out as your ideal migration partner with deep expertise in both WordPress and Headless CMS. Contact us today to ensure a smooth transition, minimizing downtime and maintaining your digital integrity.

You're not just switching platforms - you're evolving to meet the changing demands of the digital landscape.

Headless CMS vs WordPress

Contentful, a headless CMS, excels in delivering content across multiple platforms via APIs, which is ideal for developers building complex systems that require flexibility in content management. In contrast, WordPress is more traditional and user-friendly, better suited for simpler websites and blogs due to its extensive themes and plugins.

Sanity CMS offers a highly customizable environment focusing on real-time content collaboration and structured content, targeting developers who need deep control over content operations. WordPress, known for its ease of use, caters to a broader audience with its intuitive interface and extensive community support

Storyblok integrates a unique visual editor that enhances collaboration between developers and content creators, making it a standout choice for dynamic content management. WordPress, however, is established for its strong content publishing framework, preferred by those who prioritize a wide range of plugins and active community involvement.

Directus CMS is an open-source, API-driven headless CMS that offers developers the flexibility to adapt any SQL database into a custom content management system, ideal for bespoke projects. WordPress serves as a more structured platform with a vast ecosystem, appealing to users seeking ready-made solutions and ease of setup.

Strapi is an open-source headless CMS that excels in building customizable APIs and managing content flexibly for developers. It supports dynamic content delivery across multiple platforms. WordPress is a traditional CMS, easier for non-developers, with a vast array of themes and plugins suitable for creating and managing standard websites and blogs.

Future-proof solutions at affordable budget

Budget Project complexity
Affordable (20k - 150k EUR) Premium
Focus Reactive
  • Budget: 20-150k
  • Premium scalability with pre-built plugins
  • Efficient, expert tech stack integration
expensive (200k EUR - )
  • Complex integrations
  • Scale
  • Enterprise security
Cheap (under 5k EUR) Generic
  • Simple interface
  • Quick setup
Low budget (5k - 20k EUR) Website
  • Standart solutions
  • No unique features



On the EasyPark project, we consolidated 20+ domains into a single platform, introduced a comprehensive CMS handling 6,998 stories, 1,131 assets, and 125 blocks with 24 users.

We also optimized the site for global use, supporting 35 languages across 14 countries, and achieved top 1-5 search rankings in all active regions.

Tipico Marketing

With the help of Sanity and Next.js, we crafted a dynamic website with 50+ modular content blocks, hosted on Vercel for optimal performance.

We ensured tailored user experiences with custom localization, catering to an international audience.

Market Finance

Transforming a complex NextJS marketing site into a streamlined, scalable powerhouse with Contentful, we empowered non-technical teams while extending our support through three contract extensions.


A headless CMS manages content separately from how it's displayed, using APIs to deliver it to various platforms—ideal for diverse digital environments. WordPress combines content management with presentation, suited for straightforward website creation and management with a vast range of plugins and themes.

Migrating to a Headless CMS offers enhanced performance, security, and scalability. It separates the content repository (backend) from the presentation layer (frontend), enabling you to deliver content across multiple platforms with improved site speed and user experience. Additionally, it offers better security due to reduced direct exposure of the content management system to the internet.

The migration process typically involves exporting your content from WordPress, usually as a JSON or XML file, and then importing it into the new Headless CMS. Many Headless CMS platforms offer migration tools or services to facilitate this transfer, ensuring your data is accurately and efficiently migrated.

With proper planning and execution, your SEO can be maintained or even improved. It's crucial to implement 301 redirects, maintain URL structures, and ensure that meta tags and other SEO elements are correctly configured in the new Headless CMS. The improved performance and load times of a Headless CMS can also positively impact SEO.

Migrate to Headless CMS seamlessly

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